Boudoir and Your Journey to Self Love

As women we are programmed to come up with reasons why we aren’t worthy of something we want. We learn from a young age we should always put other’s needs first, especially if you are a mother. But I am a firm believer that if you don’t fill up your own cup first, you won’t have anything left in your tank to give to others. Self care and self love are NECESSARY to living the most fulfilling and happy life you can.

A Boudoir Session is often a life changing experience for my clients. Many of them are moms or just women who want to be refreshed in their femininity and womanhood. They leave my studio with a whole new sense of self worth and confidence that a bubble bath or pedicure just doesn’t compare to!


But I’m too (Fill in the Blank)!

Think about all the mean things you say to yourself or about yourself every day. I’m too fat! I’m too old! I have no boobs! My butt is too big! I’m ugly! My thighs touch! I’ve got back rolls! My tummy sags! I have mom bod! Whatever those negative thoughts are, please throw them the hell out the window! Even if you never do a Boudoir Session, PLEASE stop picking yourself apart. I dare you to find one thing you love about yourself every day and think about that instead.

The journey to self love, exactly how you are RIGHT NOW, isn’t easy, I know that. I’m human just like you! But it’s amazing how shifting your mindset to one thing you love instead of the things you hate, will totally change your life! Now don’t get me wrong, if there’s something you want to work on, like getting defined abs or losing weight, I’m your biggest cheerleader! But there is absolutely no need to hate yourself along the way. In fact, the more positive you are, the better results you will attain!


Why Boudoir?

Now how does this tie into Boudoir? Well for starters, it’s my JOB to make you look your best. Yes even if you have areas that make you self conscious. I know all the tricks and poses to minimize those areas and accentuate what you love about yourself! Plus I’m a master of flattering lighting.

A Boudoir Session may also take you out of your comfort zone. It involves being vulnerable and putting yourself out there, even if you and I are the only ones who will ever see your photos. The fact is, you are going to be blown away by your photos and I can’t wait for you to see yourself through my lens!


Boudoir May Not Be For You If…

A Boudoir Session is a transformative experience, but there are some circumstances where you may not be ready for it. If you have body dysmorphia, are suffering from an eating disorder, or have any other form of mental illness or depression around your self esteem I do not recommend a Boudoir Session, YET! Why? Because no matter how GORGEOUS and AMAZING you look in your photos, you won’t be able to see it. I highly recommend seeing a mental health professional and working through your stuff before experiencing Boudoir.

I’ll be right here waiting for you when the fog has cleared and you are open to seeing the drop dead gorgeous BOMBSHELL that you are!


Autumn's Boudoir Experience


Amanda's Boudoir Experience